One of the faculty members of our department, Dr. The article titled "THE EFFECT OF TALENT MANAGEMENT PERCEPTION ON JOB SATISFACTION AND QUITTER INTENT IN GENERATION Z", co-authored by Gülhan Kalmuk and Ayşe Yalçın, one of our students from the thesis master's program, was published in the latest issue of the Journal of Management Sciences.
We hope that the article published in the TR-Index indexed journal will have many readers and citations, and we congratulate our student and teacher!
You can click on the link to access the article: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/comuybd/issue/90149/1434046
We hope that the article published in the TR-Index indexed journal will have many readers and citations, and we congratulate our student and teacher!
You can click on the link to access the article: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/comuybd/issue/90149/1434046

The preparation meeting for the "Professional Practices 2" course, which will be held in the spring semester of our department's undergraduate program, was attended by department faculty member Dr. It was held with the participation of Gülhan KALMUK, research assistant Mert AYDOĞAN and students.
Our students, who will carry out professional practices in all departments of hospitals affiliated with MLPCare Health Group for 15 weeks, will thus be prepared for professional business life.
Our students, who will carry out professional practices in all departments of hospitals affiliated with MLPCare Health Group for 15 weeks, will thus be prepared for professional business life.

Undergraduate students from Istinye University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Health Management, participated in the "2nd National Health Management Student Congress" held on Friday and Saturday, December 6-7, 2024. The event was hosted by Demiroğlu Bilim University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, in collaboration with Marmara University, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, and the Health Managers and Candidates Platform (SAYVAP) at the Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital Conference Hall.
Our students contributed to the congress with seven oral presentations they had prepared.
We congratulate all our students and Assoc. Dr. Özlem Özaydın, TÜSEB R&D Specialist and guest lecturer in the Health Management Department, for their participation and presentations at the congress!
Our students contributed to the congress with seven oral presentations they had prepared.
We congratulate all our students and Assoc. Dr. Özlem Özaydın, TÜSEB R&D Specialist and guest lecturer in the Health Management Department, for their participation and presentations at the congress!

Şunu dedin:
Selam! 😊 Nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?
Şunu dedin:
ileteceğim metni İngilizceye çevirebilir misin
Tabii ki, metni paylaşabilirsin, İngilizceye çevireyim. 😊
Şunu dedin:
TÜBİTAK 3005 ‘Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Sigara Farkındalığını Arttırma Ve Davranış Değişikliği Oluşturma Müdahaleleri: Tütünsüz Fakülte Projesi’ Yeşilay işbirliği ile Dr. Özlem Özaydın hocamızın yürütücülüğünde üniversitemizden Araştırmacılarında desteği ile tamamlanmıştır. Projenin tamamlanmasından dolayı “Proje Deneyim Paylaşımı Çalıştayı” yapılmıştır.
Çalıştaya katılan uzmanlarımızın katkıları ile gelecekte Tütünsüz Üniversite için farklı proje önerileri olmuştur. Çalıştaya katılan tüm katılımcılara katkı ve destekleri için bölümümüz adına teşekkür ederiz.
The TÜBİTAK 3005 project titled "Interventions to Raise Awareness and Promote Behavioral Change Regarding Smoking Among University Students: Tobacco-Free Faculty Project" has been successfully completed under the leadership of Dr. Özlem Özaydın, in collaboration with Yeşilay (The Green Crescent), and with the support of researchers from our university.
Following the project's completion, a "Project Experience Sharing Workshop" was organized.
Thanks to the valuable contributions of the experts who attended the workshop, various project proposals for a Tobacco-Free University were developed for the future. On behalf of our department, we extend our gratitude to all participants for their contributions and support.
Şunu dedin:
Tütünsüz Fakülte Projesi Deneyim Paylaşımı Çalıştayı
Experience Sharing Workshop on the Tobacco-Free Faculty Project
Şunu dedin:
İstinye Üniversitesi İİSBF & Kaizen Institute Turkey & MLPCare’in ortak olarak düzenlediği “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Yalın Sağlık Sempozyumu” 28 Kasım 2024 Perşembe günü üniversitenin Topkapı Yerleşkesi Konferans Salonu’nda sağlık alanından sektör temsilcileri, akademisyenler ve öğrencilerin yoğun ilgi gösterdiği bir katılımla gerçekleşti.
Açılış konuşmalarını İstinye Üniversitesi İİSBF Sağlık Yönetimi Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZGEN NARCI, Kaizen Institute Genel Müdürü Dr. Muhsin GÜNEŞLİK, İstinye Üniversitesi Rektör Yardımcısı Prof. Dr. Peyami Çelikcan, MLPCARE Sağlık Grubu Strateji ve Performans Grup Koordinatörü Sayın Dr. Hikmet Çavuş ve İstanbul İl Sağlık Müdürü Doç. Dr. Abdullah Emre Güner adına Kamu Hastaneleri Başkanlığı’ndan Başkan Yardımcısı Doç. Dr. Tuğba Aydın’ın gerçekleştirdiği sempozyumda, birbirinden değerli devlet ve özel hastanelerin başhekimleri ve idari yöneticileri Kaizen/Yalın felsefenin yapı taşlarını ve sağlık sektörüne yansımalarını uzman görüşleriyle ele aldı.
The "Sustainability and Lean Healthcare Symposium," jointly organized by Istinye University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences (FEASS), Kaizen Institute Turkey, and MLPCare, took place on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at the university's Topkapı Campus Conference Hall. The event attracted significant attention from healthcare sector representatives, academics, and students.
The symposium commenced with opening speeches delivered by Prof. Dr. Hacer Özgen Narci, Head of the Health Management Department at Istinye University's FEASS; Dr. Muhsin Güneşlik, General Manager of Kaizen Institute; Prof. Dr. Peyami Çelikcan, Vice Rector of Istinye University; Dr. Hikmet Çavuş, Strategy and Performance Group Coordinator of MLPCARE Health Group; and Assoc. Dr. Tuğba Aydın, Deputy Chair of the Public Hospitals Directorate, representing Assoc. Dr. Abdullah Emre Güner, Istanbul Provincial Health Director.
The event featured distinguished chief physicians and administrative managers from both public and private hospitals, who shared expert insights on the foundational principles of the Kaizen/Lean philosophy and its implications for the healthcare sector.
Şunu dedin:
Selam! 😊 Nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?
Şunu dedin:
ileteceğim metni İngilizceye çevirebilir misin
Tabii ki, metni paylaşabilirsin, İngilizceye çevireyim. 😊
Şunu dedin:
TÜBİTAK 3005 ‘Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Sigara Farkındalığını Arttırma Ve Davranış Değişikliği Oluşturma Müdahaleleri: Tütünsüz Fakülte Projesi’ Yeşilay işbirliği ile Dr. Özlem Özaydın hocamızın yürütücülüğünde üniversitemizden Araştırmacılarında desteği ile tamamlanmıştır. Projenin tamamlanmasından dolayı “Proje Deneyim Paylaşımı Çalıştayı” yapılmıştır.
Çalıştaya katılan uzmanlarımızın katkıları ile gelecekte Tütünsüz Üniversite için farklı proje önerileri olmuştur. Çalıştaya katılan tüm katılımcılara katkı ve destekleri için bölümümüz adına teşekkür ederiz.
The TÜBİTAK 3005 project titled "Interventions to Raise Awareness and Promote Behavioral Change Regarding Smoking Among University Students: Tobacco-Free Faculty Project" has been successfully completed under the leadership of Dr. Özlem Özaydın, in collaboration with Yeşilay (The Green Crescent), and with the support of researchers from our university.
Following the project's completion, a "Project Experience Sharing Workshop" was organized.
Thanks to the valuable contributions of the experts who attended the workshop, various project proposals for a Tobacco-Free University were developed for the future. On behalf of our department, we extend our gratitude to all participants for their contributions and support.
Şunu dedin:
Tütünsüz Fakülte Projesi Deneyim Paylaşımı Çalıştayı
Experience Sharing Workshop on the Tobacco-Free Faculty Project
Şunu dedin:
İstinye Üniversitesi İİSBF & Kaizen Institute Turkey & MLPCare’in ortak olarak düzenlediği “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Yalın Sağlık Sempozyumu” 28 Kasım 2024 Perşembe günü üniversitenin Topkapı Yerleşkesi Konferans Salonu’nda sağlık alanından sektör temsilcileri, akademisyenler ve öğrencilerin yoğun ilgi gösterdiği bir katılımla gerçekleşti.
Açılış konuşmalarını İstinye Üniversitesi İİSBF Sağlık Yönetimi Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZGEN NARCI, Kaizen Institute Genel Müdürü Dr. Muhsin GÜNEŞLİK, İstinye Üniversitesi Rektör Yardımcısı Prof. Dr. Peyami Çelikcan, MLPCARE Sağlık Grubu Strateji ve Performans Grup Koordinatörü Sayın Dr. Hikmet Çavuş ve İstanbul İl Sağlık Müdürü Doç. Dr. Abdullah Emre Güner adına Kamu Hastaneleri Başkanlığı’ndan Başkan Yardımcısı Doç. Dr. Tuğba Aydın’ın gerçekleştirdiği sempozyumda, birbirinden değerli devlet ve özel hastanelerin başhekimleri ve idari yöneticileri Kaizen/Yalın felsefenin yapı taşlarını ve sağlık sektörüne yansımalarını uzman görüşleriyle ele aldı.
The "Sustainability and Lean Healthcare Symposium," jointly organized by Istinye University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences (FEASS), Kaizen Institute Turkey, and MLPCare, took place on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at the university's Topkapı Campus Conference Hall. The event attracted significant attention from healthcare sector representatives, academics, and students.
The symposium commenced with opening speeches delivered by Prof. Dr. Hacer Özgen Narci, Head of the Health Management Department at Istinye University's FEASS; Dr. Muhsin Güneşlik, General Manager of Kaizen Institute; Prof. Dr. Peyami Çelikcan, Vice Rector of Istinye University; Dr. Hikmet Çavuş, Strategy and Performance Group Coordinator of MLPCARE Health Group; and Assoc. Dr. Tuğba Aydın, Deputy Chair of the Public Hospitals Directorate, representing Assoc. Dr. Abdullah Emre Güner, Istanbul Provincial Health Director.
The event featured distinguished chief physicians and administrative managers from both public and private hospitals, who shared expert insights on the foundational principles of the Kaizen/Lean philosophy and its implications for the healthcare sector.

The TÜBİTAK 3005 project titled "Interventions to Raise Awareness and Promote Behavioral Change Regarding Smoking Among University Students: Tobacco-Free Faculty Project" has been successfully completed under the leadership of Dr. Özlem Özaydın, in collaboration with Yeşilay (The Green Crescent), and with the support of researchers from our university.
Following the project's completion, a "Project Experience Sharing Workshop" was organized.
Thanks to the valuable contributions of the experts who attended the workshop, various project proposals for a Tobacco-Free University were developed for the future. On behalf of our department, we extend our gratitude to all participants for their contributions and support.
Following the project's completion, a "Project Experience Sharing Workshop" was organized.
Thanks to the valuable contributions of the experts who attended the workshop, various project proposals for a Tobacco-Free University were developed for the future. On behalf of our department, we extend our gratitude to all participants for their contributions and support.

As Health Management students, we participated in the April 23 event held at Piramit Academy special education center.

As İstinye University Health Management Department, we visited Yedikule Animal Shelter with the slogan THIS WORLD IS ALL OF US.

Our Head of Department, Prof., one of the academicians of the Department of Health Management. Dr. Hacer ÖZGEN NARCI and Dr. Lecturer Member Özlem ÖZAYDIN attended the "Health Economics and Finance Symposium" organized by Acıbadem University and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

The event was held to increase the awareness of both our students and academics about organ donation. We would like to thank Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital Organ and Tissue Transplantation Coordinators Gözde İnal and Gülşah Averi, who shared their valuable information with us with the slogan "Let there be no soil, let there be life".

Awards were presented to the winners of the poster and cloth bag design competition themed "Harms of Tobacco", which we organized within the scope of the TÜBİTAK project. We would like to thank all our students who participated in the competition.

Dr. Lecturer Gülhan Kalmuk, faculty member of the Department of Health Management, talked about "What Does a Multicultural Approach Require in the Present and Future?" at the Nursing Week Panel on May 9, 2024, organized by the Private Hospitals Association (OHSAD) within the framework of Nursing Week Activities. He made a presentation on the subject.

Head of the Department of Health Management, Prof. Dr. Hacer Özgen Narcı and Faculty Member Dr. Lecturer member Gülhan Kalmuk shared a presentation and interactive information under the title "Experience Sharing on the Importance of Hotel Management Services in Terms of Health Management" to Medicalpark Hotel Management Services Managers at the Istinye University Vadi Main Campus Conference Hall on June 30, 2024.

Our department organized a joint symposium on Access and Quality to Health Services with Altınbaş University, Sabahattin Zaim University and Demiroğlu Bilim University on June 11, 2024. At the symposium, our Health Management Doctorate Program student Dr. Simay Hızyılmaz made a presentation titled “Access and Quality to Family Medicine Services”.

Health Management Master's graduate, Specialist Kübra CANDEMİR GÜL, shared insights from her master's thesis with Health Management students, discussing current trends in health tourism.

The "Guest Services Management Certificate" program was carried out with the assistance of Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülhan Kalmuk to improve the quality and efficiency of health services. Our successful participants received their certificates after 76 hours of theoretical and practical instruction. We appreciate the collaborations of Liv Hospital Director Meri İstiroti and her team, as well as our Continuing Education Center Director Şule Kılıçaslan.