İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi

We Held Our Meeting on Fall Semester Assessment and New Year's Expectations

Our Health Management Department met online with our first year students who joined us in the fall semester, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students who will graduate in the spring semester of 202. We held a meeting on the fall term evaluation and new year expectations.

The series of meetings held at 4 different hours under the chairmanship of Gülhan Kalmuk who is our Head of Department. In addition faculty members of our department Prof. Dr. Hacer Özgen Narcı and Dr. Banu Bican, Research Assistant Döne Tütüncü also attended the meeting too.

Our students made a general assessment of your fall term courses and online education opportunities and expressed their expectations for the becoming spring term. The meeting ended with expressing good wishes fort he becoming new year. Students and lectureres wishes new year will be the year of immunity with vaccination for the exit from the Covid 19 Pandemic process affected by our country and the world.

Online Evaluation Meetings wtih studentsOnline Evaluation Meetings wtih studentsOnline Evaluation Meetings wtih studentsOnline Evaluation Meetings wtih students