Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences

International Relations

Message from the Head of Department

suat eren özyiğit

Dr. Suat Eren Özyiğit
Head of Department

Our priority is to cultivate efficient, esteemed and distinguished professionals. In this way, you will become sensitive to the problems that exist at all levels of domestic and international politics, and able to determine and find solutions to the societal problems of your nation. The scientific knowledge that you acquire will be combined with other disciplines to develop your social and analytic skills for the prosperity of our society.

Our ultimate goal is to give you an extensive knowledge of the literature in International Relations and relevant fields. As such, you will be capable of analyzing facts and problems ranging from political, economic and social developments to interactions of different international actors. We will equip you with the historical background of the events and the actors involved; thus, you will be able to comprehend and evaluate with a multifaceted perspective. We have designed our curriculum to equip you with expertise on the main research areas at the international level. Therefore, we provide special focus on the European Union, the United Nations, Turkish foreign policy and contemporary international crises.

Within the contemporary employment paradigm, it is important to diversify the talents of students in higher education institutions. Our curriculum provides our students with a variety of skills. Our university aims to carry out higher education in a practical manner by facilitating cooperation with other departments and professional experts. This cooperation will also provide you with significant advantages in your internships and your professional life.

When you graduate, you can apply for a position in various governmental institutions, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You can also work in the private sector. It is a fact that international and multinational companies are eager to hire experts from our field. International Relations graduates can also be employed in the media sector, financial institutions and non-governmental organizations. You may also prefer to continue your career as a researcher, advisor or academic.