Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, International Relations Department Research Assistant Can Donduran's new three articles have been published simultaneously..
His article titled "Ekim Savaşı ve İsrail Karar Alma Mekanizması: Tecrübelerin ve Grup Düşüncesinin Olumsuz Etkisi" has been published by the Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy.
His article titled "Bölgesel Bütünleşmeye İnşacı Bir Yaklaşım: MERCOSUR’un Ortaya Çıkışı ve Düşünsel Süreçler" has been published by the Journal of Economics, Business, Politics, and International Relations.
The article titled "Sistemik Faktörlerin Bir Ürünü Olarak Bölgeselcilik" has been published by the Kirklareli University Journal of Social Sciences.
To access the articles, respectively: