Sebnem Ozdemir received her B.Sc. degree in Mathematics (Yıldız Technical University), as well as the M.A. in Mathematics Education and M.Sc. in Informatics (İstanbul University). She received her Ph.D. degree from İstanbul University (IU), İstanbul Turkey. She was a visiting researcher in Electronics and Computing Engineering Department (Worcester Polytechnic Institute- WPI) for her postdoc research, Worcester, MA, USA. She currently holds the position of Assistant Professor and Head of Department in the Department of Management Information Systems, Istinye University, İstanbul, Turkey. Besides, she works for Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (MIT CSAIL). With the machine learning based model, she built, Mrs. Ozdemir was received the “Contribution to Human Development Award” by Koc University UNESCO Chair. Earlier this year (2018), she began to integrate a new and closely-related research stream with her students, which is called “Deep Projects,” that involves deep learning algorithms and methodologies. The first of these projects, “Deep Classical Art,” relates to pattern recognition and reproductions, which are hidden in the Anatolian and Ottoman art, such as marbling (Ebru), ornamentation (Tezhip), and tapis. Prior to the aforementioned projects, she used mathematical modelling to predict juvenile crime. Her work with others on a multidisciplinary project team led to the design and implementation of decision support systems that identifies at-risk children. She has many published papers, book chapters and patents related to data science and machine learning. Ozdemir’s research fields are artificial intelligence, data science, management information systems, decision making, mathematical modelling.
Araştırma Alanları
- Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Mathematical Modelling
Çalışma Alanları
- Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı
- Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri
- Bilişim Sistemleri
- Bilgi Yönetimi
- Veri Yönetimi
- The Effect of Artificial Intelligence On Sustainable Development Goal, 2021
- Yeni Nesil Tehdit: Derin-Kurgu (DeepFake), 2021
- Sentiment Classification Performance Analysis Based on Glove Word Embedding, 2021
- Comparison of Elite Athletes and Essential Hypertension Patients for Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) I/D and ACE G2350A Gene Polymorphisms, 2020
- Makine Öğrenmesinde Yeni Bir Bakış Açısı: Otomatik Makine Öğrenmesi (AutoML), 2019
- Determination of Voting Tendencies in Turkey through Data Mining Algorithms, 2017
- Türkiye deki Seçmen Eğilimlerinin C4 5 Karar Ağacı Algoritması İle Belirlenmesi, 2016
- Kanser Tedavisinde İnternet Üzerinden Erişilebilen Şüpheli Tedavi Önerilerinin Hastalar Tarafından Bilinirliği İÜ Onkoloji Enstitüsü Örneği, 2016
- New Technology Experience In Turkey The Case Of Bitcoin, 2015
- Aşırı Bilgi Artışının Bilgiye Erişim Sürecindeki Etkileri İstanbul Üniversitesi Enformatik Bölümü Örneği, 2015
- Cultural E Learning Through Erasmus Experience Management, 2015
- The effect of Dynamic and Interactive Mathematics Learning Environments (DIMLE), supporting multiple representations, on perceptions of elementary mathematics pre-service teachers in problem solving process, 2013
- Açık kaynak kodlu öğrenme yönetim sistemleri üzerine bir karşılaştırma çalışması, 2012
- Fibonacci Spiral in Sunflower with Geogebra, 2012
- The Effect of DIMLE on Computer Literacy Level of Pre Service Teachers Athens Journal of Technology Engineering, 2011
- Education And Intelligent Tutor Systems In Turkey, 2010
- Endüstri 4.0’a Uyum Sürecinde Açık Kaynak Kodlu Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama Sistemleri: Odoo Community Örneği, 2018
- Awareness Research Do We Know The New Generation Students, 2015
- Mobile guidance in touchscreen era YARDIM, 2015
- Uygulama Marketlerinin Eğitim Kategorisi Altındaki Uygulamalarının İncelenmesi, 2014
- The Good Reader Of Digital World Digital Natives Are They Good Writer Of That World, 2015
- Conrtibutions of Universities to Children Informatics Education in Turkey, 2014
- Prediction of Vocational School Students Academic Success By Using Decision Trees, 2016
- Effect Of Decision Tree Algorithms In Educational Process,
- Ne kadar farkındayız Engellilik bilinci,
- Kırılgan nüfus grubu Engelli bireylerin sağlıklı çocukları, 2016
- Oyun Tabanlı Öğrenmede Geogebra Kullanımı Köklü Sayılar Keşif Oyunu, 2011
- The Importance of Feature Selection Methods for the Error Prediction Process of a Digital Twin, 2018
- Next Generatıon’s Industry 4.0 Journey: The Case Of Management Informatıon Systems, 2017
- Structural Equation Model vs. Decision Tree Algorithms Based Models, 2017
- Investigating the Web Based Distance Education Modules among Teacher Candidates in Special Education, 2012
- Exploring Elementary Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception To Use Multiple Representations In Problem Solving, 2012
- How Much the Concept of e-Government and Its Applications Came Into Our Life: Case of Informatics Departments, 2011
- Determining The Hierarchy Of Education Criteria In Educational Games By Using Ahp, 2014
- GNU Özgür Belgeleme Lisansı (GFDL) Kapsamındaki Dokümanlar İçin Bir Çevrimiçi Arşiv Geliştirilmesi., 2014
- Yaşanabilir Şehirler Modelinin Kurulması ve Bilişim-İletişim Teknolojilerinin Bu Model Üzerinde Etkisi, 2012
- Yazılım Ürünü Geliştirme Sürecinin Örneklenmesi, 2011
- Dijital Dünyadan Yansımalar: Bilgide ve Vatandaşlıkta Değişim, 2013
- Veri-Sürdürülebilirlik İlişkisi Covid-19 Döneminde Mahremiyet Üzerine Bir Yaklaşım, 2020
- Türkiye'de ve Dünyada Eğitimde Veri Madenciliği Çalışmaları, 2016
- Triggering Diversity of Artificial Intelligence Based Art Research by using Turkish-Ottoman Art Genre, 2019
- Grafik veri madenciliği yardımıyla Türkiye deprem verilerinin incelenmesi,
- EbruGAN,
- Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Alanında Metin Madenciliği ile Bilgi Haritalama, 2015
- Dijital Dünyadan Yansımalar Bilgide ve Vatandaşlıkta Değişim, 2014
- Using Geogebra as an information technology tool parabola teaching, 2011
- The Analysis of Category of Educational Applications in Online Mobile Application Markets, 2012
- Human Computer Interaction Concepts Methodologies Tools and Applications, ISBN: 978-1-4666-8790-5, 2015
- Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs in Industry 4.0, ISBN: 9781799825777, 2020
- Geleceğin Meslekleri, ISBN: 6052263655, 2019
- Media Literacy Research and Applications Across Disciplines, ISBN: 9781522592617, 2019
- Bilgi Yönetimi: Bilgi Türeticileri, Büyük Veri, İnovasyon ve Kurumsal Zeka, ISBN: 9786054220830, 2015
- NEW CHALLENGES IN EDUCATION, ISBN: 978-80-561-0065-3, 2013
- Hayata Bir Çocuk Bir Çocuğa Hayat: Suça Karışmanın Erken Yaşta Önlenmesi (Mühendislik Yaklaşım), ISBN: 9786053202516, 2016
- Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-64554-4, 2018
- Rapidminer ile Uygulamalı Veri Madenciliği, ISBN: 978-605-83098-9-0, 2017
- Rapidminer ile Uygulamalı Veri Madenciliği, ISBN: 978-605-83098-9-0, 2017
- RapidMiner ile Uygulamalı Veri Madenciliği, ISBN: 978-605-83098-9-0, 2017
- R ile Veri Madenciliği Uygulamaları, ISBN: 978-975-436-093-6, 2016
- UNESCO Kürsüsü Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı İnsan Gelişimi Ararştırmaları, 2016