Edited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Gürsoy, Head of the Department of Economics, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Bayhantopçu, the book "The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Sustainable Development", published by Istinye University Press, examines the critical role of universities within the framework of the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Comprising 20 chapters and contributions from 22 esteemed academics, the book explores the responsibilities and guiding influence of universities in sustainable development under the themes of education, research and development, and societal impact. As the first scientific publication in Turkey prepared through inter-university collaboration in this field, the book serves as a valuable resource for the academic community and relevant stakeholders by focusing on key areas such as quality education, reducing inequalities, economic development, environmental protection, and ethical values.
Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences