Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences

Primary school students enjoyed the report card with the “A Bag, A Smile” Project

With the “One Bag One Smile” social responsibility project organized by Istinye University İİSBF Public Relations and Advertising Department academicians and students, it share in to the report card joy of students in Şanlıurfa Siverek Bardakçı Primary School. The Public Relations and Advertising Department academicians and students who are passionate about the project, together with the books, notebooks, stationery materials and clothes collected in scope of the project the Public Relations and Advertising Department lecturers and students, who went to Şanlıurfa from Istanbul, they gave gifts by coming together with the students of Siverek Bardakçı Primary School. There were emotional and special moments between Istinye University lecturers and young students, who were welcomed by Siverek National Education Director Nuri Kapanoğlu and Branch Managers, and the academicians end their students met with the primary school students under the hospitality of the School Principal and Private Bureau officers. Students, who were surprised for the first time because of their interest and care, experienced the happiness of getting their gifts together with their report cards. Primary school students, who took the report cards from academic members Esra Bayhantopçu and Nezahat İşbilir Yüceışık, could not hide their happiness.

“A Bag, A Smile” Social Responsibility Project Process

The academicians and students of Istinye University, Department of Public Relations and Advertising carried out which the social responsibility project has finally come to an end with material aid and spiritual support of other academicians and students of Istinye University.






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